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Break the Lock-In: How a New Database Strategy Helped 3 Companies Optimize Cost and Performance
Database vendor lock-in is costing businesses billions worldwide. Monolithic databases are difficult to manage, and their management systems struggle to bridge the gap from data center to cloud. The result is an adverse effect on performance, stability, and reliability, along with a difficult learning curve and inflexibility. This blog is about how three companies ended their vendor lock-in with a database strategy that cut costs and improved performance.

 by Kelly McClure, Vice President of Global Marketing

In a world that increasingly demands agility, speed, and performance, commercial databases and their management systems often have usage or licensing restrictions. Many companies are locked-in to an inflexible monolith. In fact, vendor lock-in is costing businesses billions worldwide. Monolithic databases are difficult to manage and their management systems struggle to bridge the gap from data center to cloud. The result is an adverse effect on performance, stability, and reliability, along with a difficult learning curve and inflexibility.

If you are struggling with database lock-in, we have good news. You can break the lock-in and throw away the key with a flexible, low-cost, modern RDBMS that can replace the monolith or work with it. This article is about how three companies ditched vendor lock-in with a database strategy that cut costs and improved performance.

Hyundai Turbocharges Its Quality Center

Hyundai Motor India Limited (HMIL) is a subsidiary of Hyundai Motor Company (HMC). To serve 493 dealers, more than 1,309 service points in India, and its plants and hubs, Hyundai wants to establish a quality center. The goal is to contribute to new car development from a pilot stage and create quality products with zero defects.

To maintain its dealer network and service points while developing the quality center, HMIL needed high database availability to support issue resolution at any point in time with no or negligible downtime. To meet these requirements, HMIL needed an RDBMS that offered high availability at a lower cost than Oracle’s RDBMS.

For its RDBMS, HMIL chose TmaxSoft Tibero because of its integration with Oracle. Now, HMIL has 24 x 7 support for production databases, no downtime during support and issue resolution, and responses to issues in two hours. In addition, Tibero delivers the high performance and high availability that HMIL needs for its complex network of dealers, exporters, and service points. HMIL has lower operation and maintenance costs and expects a reduction in TCO of at least 50% in 5 years when compared to the alternate option of Oracle’s RDBMS and other third-party solutions.

IFTAS Meets the Transaction Performance Needs of Multiple Clients

Indian Financial Technology and Allied Services (IFTAS) evolved from India’s IDRBT (Institute for the Development and Research in Banking Technologies) and has been operating as a distinct registered organization since February 2015.

IFTAS operates India’s critical financial infrastructure, providing the communications backbone, INFINET, for all the banks and financial institutions in India. Charged with providing cutting edge banking solutions in the cloud, IFTAS needed to offer flexible licensing models to meet customer requirements. But, IFTAS was struggling to find an appropriate industrial-grade enterprise database solution for its multi-tenant project.

“For our cloud-based digital banking solutions, which are mainly OLTP (online transaction processing), we needed a safe, secure, scalable and robust enterprise RDBMS,” said Srinivasan Panneerselvam, Assistant Vice President of IFTAS. IFTAS deployed TmaxSoft Tibero as its key database management system for its electronic banking solution in the cloud, which enabled it to meet the needs of its customers and achieve a lower total cost of ownership.

“TmaxSoft came out as our winning choice because Tibero is a high-performing and secure enterprise RDBMS. Tibero has proven to be better than or equal to competing platforms,” said Nandakumar R. Palani, Chief Executive Officer, IFTAS.

FUNCEF Benefits from Lower Database TCO

Fundação dos Economiários Federais (FUNCEF), a social security provider and the third largest pension fund in Brazil, needed to reduce database costs to free up budget for addressing new data compliance regulations and digital transformation challenges. The goal was to move to the cloud, but that was problematic because of their legacy database.

FUNCEF systems need to run 24x7 with very high availability (HA). However, the vendor’s inflexible licensing model created a difficult situation for FUNCEF, along with high costs. FUNCEF analyzed the database market and selected TmaxSoft Tibero because it could keep the business running with the same level of reliability, availability and performance as the previous database.

The result of choosing Tibero was a much lower TCO compared to the legacy database vendor. The savings and the ability of TmaxSoft to tailor the contract according to FUNCEF’s needs were the icing on the cake. In addition, FUNCEF has been able deliver its cloud strategy and create its disaster recovery environment faster than it would have with its legacy database.

Ready to Break a Lock-in?

See why Tibero, the best-kept RDBMS secret in the market, is a flexible, high-performing, low-TCO solution to vendor lock-in by downloading our eBook about taking back your database.

About Kelly McClure

Kelly McClure is the Vice President of Global Marketing for TmaxSoft. Her 20-year marketing career spans both Fortune 1000 companies and fast growth technology startups. Kelly is responsible for leading TmaxSoft’s marketing strategy. She is experienced in aligning marketing and sales, building relevant content and messaging and developing integrated lead generation campaigns. Before joining TmaxSoft, Kelly served as the Vice President of Marketing for 10th Magnitude and held senior marketing roles with DataStax, BMC Software and Micro Focus. Kelly has a bachelor’s degree from Purdue University and an MBA from Loyola University Chicago.